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Taijitu Magazine

is published by

Phosphene Publishing Co.

All material © 2016

A magazine of martial and movement arts, with a focus on the internal style of Tai Chi Chuan

Digging the Vibes


by Christopher Dow

“Good, good, good, good vibrations,” sang the Beach Boys back in the day, referring to the good feelings one has in beneficial circumstances. Indeed, the beat and hippie cultures of the past century lauded “good vibes” as an exellent conditon of life that should be sought and nurtured. And maybe they were on to something. If humans—and indeed, all life-forms—produce a bioelectric field, then such an energy construct must be affected by other such fields and waves of energy, even if the individual is not sensitive enough to perceive them consciously or is otherwise unaware of them.


This brings us to the subject of music and how this art form affects listeners. As with most aspects of reality, music has its own spectrum of listener effect, from the highly intellectual approach of jazz and avant-garde music to the free-form soaring of new age and space music to the beat-heavy impact of pop, rock, and rap. The former group tends to move the mind, the second motivates the spirit, and latter has its greatest effect on the physical level. But in all cases, music is the projection of vibrations toward the listener, and those vibrations necessarily impact not just the eardrums but the body’s entire physical construct, including the body’s energy field.

Some listeners prefer certain types of music that resonate, perhaps, with their own energetic frequencies, while others explore greater ranges, appreciating the varying effects that different types of music have on them. Most of us probably dislike any music that does not resonate well on any level, and indeed, there are some people who hate music entirely, experiencing it as disturbing noise that grates on their beings.


This idea also begs other questions regarding the impacts that external energy sources have on one’s personal energy field. Close to home are the now-ubiquitous and steadily increasing wireless communications we rely on in our daily lives. Although few of these sources are massive, they are pervasive, particularly in urbanized area. And generated farther from home are gravity waves, postulated by Albert Einstein and now established as fact with the registering of such waves just this past year. Gravity has a direct effect on magnetic and electromagnetic fields, so any gravitational wave that passes through Earth’s space also will affect all fields on the planet, even our relatively minute human-generated energy envelopes, momentarily distorting them one way or another as the wave passes through. 


Because our personal fields are directly tied to our nervous systems and psyches, I’m led to wonder about what effect, if any, that ripples in space-time actually have on whole populations. Surely they would perturb the energy fields of human on a large acale, I’m sure you have had days where everything goes either right or wrong or you suddenly have unexplained but severe shifts in mood, and when you mention it to others, they respond by saying they’ve been having an equally good or bad day, too. Are oscillations, whether  caused by gravity waves or strong electromagnetic signals, in the general matris of energy fields that surround us as individuals, our planet, and our solar system somehow responsible for large-sacle fluctuations in mood, temperament, excitability, or even sanity, not to mention physiologial sensations? In a world gone suddenly crazy in a very short span of time, this is, perhaps, a significant question.






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